Self-Care - Discovery Headlines Where Wellness Meets Discovery Wed, 26 Apr 2023 06:04:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 208065758 Why Removing Pubic Hair Isn’t A Wise Decision Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:05:00 +0000 Hair is one of the distinguishing characteristics of mammals, and it is there for a reason. Considering the advantages of body hair, precisely, pubic hair is important before you decide to take it off each time  it grows. So, removing pubic hair everywhere, even in your genitals isn’t a wise decision. Understanding the purpose of Read More

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Hair is one of the distinguishing characteristics of mammals, and it is there for a reason. Considering the advantages of body hair, precisely, pubic hair is important before you decide to take it off each time  it grows. So, removing pubic hair everywhere, even in your genitals isn’t a wise decision. Understanding the purpose of hair down under will also help you take a stance in this Should Shave Vs Shouldn’t Shave dichotomy.

removing pubic hair

Reasons why removing your pubic hair is not a wise decision.

Removing pubic hair will not maintain the temperature of the private part

The reason why mammals are hairy is to save themselves from temperature shifts. Hair, apart from cushioning, also maintains a constant temperature. In cold countries, hair over there helps you keep the genitals warm and cozy. During heat, the glands in your pubic hair follicles secrete oily substances, which not only lubricate but also cool down the area. It simply regulates temperature and maintains the much-needed homeostasis.

Removing pubic hair causes friction

There is always the risk of friction in between legs, and it is added discomfort if you are a bit bulky. In fact, the pubes offer more lubrication than the empty ground could possibly offer. There is slightly more sweat produced, but that is only going to lessen the friction there.

Removing pubic hair will not protect the private part

The fundamental purpose served by hair is protection. The hair down  under protects you from various kinds of bacterial & viral infections: 1. Your genitals are always moist, and this kind of environment can become a breeding ground for germs. That is exactly what pubes are for. They form a sheath and save your female part from unwanted pathogenic intervention. If you have been removing it off for “hygienic” reasons, this information should be an eye opener for you. It just needs some water and a mild soap to keep the area clean and not healthy. Not blades and wax strips. It also avoids physical impact. Pubes tend to work as shock absorbers and protect your female part when you indulge in activities like cycling or even horse riding. It reduces the chances of injury down there.

Pubes prevents skin irritation

Remember, women. You are using a blade on the skin. Though not apparent to the naked eye, every time you use the blade on your bush, you are naively causing microscopic cuts on the vaginal skin. These cuts get inflamed and increase the vulnerability of your already sensitive part. The repeated use of razors irritates the skin up to the extent that it gets itchy and uncomfortable.

Pubes makes a lot more Oomphalicious

Contrary to the accepted myth that removing the pubic hair makes you look sexy. While the matter of preference is something between you and your partner. Not many women confess, but it is an open truth that their partner’s sweat turns them on more than even the most seductive of perfumes. The pubic hair down under helps you sweat and with the sweat is produced these coquettish pheromones, and there lies all the oomph.

So, to have or not is now your decision.

Time has changed and lifestyle has changed too. Yet, some primal needs like acceptance from the opposite sex and mechanisms like temperature regulation have remained static and unchanged. Although during puberty and menstrual cycles, these wiry pubes cause slight discomfort, remember that in the long run, it is going to cause you more good than harm. It is time to break the taboos and the silence associated with pubic hair.

Ask yourself, “why do I remove my pubic hair, is it for aesthetics or does keeping them actually make me feel more comfortable and safe?”

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How To Figure Out Your Skin Type Mon, 24 Apr 2023 14:07:00 +0000 The most important step in caring for your skin is to know your specific skin type. Skin is the body’s largest organ as complex as other vital organs in our body like the heart, lungs, liver and kidney. Understanding your skin type will lead you to pick the right products that work for you without Read More

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The most important step in caring for your skin is to know your specific skin type. Skin is the body’s largest organ as complex as other vital organs in our body like the heart, lungs, liver and kidney. Understanding your skin type will lead you to pick the right products that work for you without harming your skin.

Did you know that there are seven basic skin types? There are normal, oily, dry/dehydrated, acne-prone, sensitive and mature skin types.  Let us learn how to identify yours below and the skincare tips you must try.

skin type

Your Skin Type


When you have a normal skin type, you don’t experience many breakouts. Your skin doesn’t tend to react negatively to the new products or weather changes. Normal skin is firm with minimal fine lines and wrinkles only.

Skin Care Tips: Having a normal skin type will not experience any sensitivity to products, thus, you can play hard with beauty products and have fun experimenting with them.


Oily skin seems to be glowing. When you put makeup or skin care products they don’t stay put like you want them to. People who have oily skin have fewer wrinkles.

Skin Care Tips: For oily skin, shine control is the top priority. Avoid ingredients like mineral oil, petroleum and alcohol. Non-comedogenic products also work best for oily skin, it won’t clog up the pores.


Dry and dehydrated are not the same but have similar symptoms.

Dryness is caused by lack of oil in the skin. Symptoms include sensitivity, flakiness, itchiness and cracks.

Dehydration is the result of the skin not retaining enough moisture.

Skin Care Tips: Apply moisturizer several times a day especially when washing your hands or bathing. Avoid using harsh soap or products containing oils or lots of fragrances. Use water-based products as oil-based products can make your skin condition worse. Don’t forget to drink enough water everyday.

Acne-Prone Skin

If you get frequent breakouts you likely have acne-prone skin. If your skin is like this, pore tends to clog easily making it susceptible to whiteheads, blackheads and other skin types.

Skin Care Tips: Use cleansers specifically formulated for acne as well as exfoliants and moisturizers that will help minimize breakouts. Common ingredients to fight acne are salicylic acid, clay, benzoyl peroxide or retinol.

Sensitive Skin Type

Sensitive skin might be caused by genetics, allergies or environmental factors. Signs are:

  • negative reaction to fragrances
  • patches of dry, flaky, irritated skin
  • stinging or burning after using a skin care product
  • frequent rashes and bumps
  • skin that flushes easily

Skin Care Tips: Since sensitive skin is prone to irritation, redness, burning or acne breakouts, you have to choose cosmetics carefully. Avoid fragrances and irritants like alcohol or antibacterial ingredients. Look for products with fewer additives and products with calming, healing or anti-inflammatory properties.

Mature Skin Type

Mature skin types usually have wrinkles here and there. More dry compared to your younger age. Sagging, dark spots, dullness and dehydration are also visible.

Skin Care Tips: Boost with collagen.

Our skin needs change over time and taking steps to identify those needs is essential for it to function and look its best. Address your skin issues and keep it balanced and beautiful.


Every skin type has its own skincare needs. You must know what those are to avoid harming your beautiful skin. 

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My Daily Skincare Routine Sun, 23 Apr 2023 13:15:40 +0000 Imagine starting your day facing other people with a therapeutic regimen that brightens and freshens your skin and makes you look great? It’s a perfect way to start a day when you are more confident about your skin. If you are not yet following a skin care regimen even in the morning and prep your Read More

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Imagine starting your day facing other people with a therapeutic regimen that brightens and freshens your skin and makes you look great? It’s a perfect way to start a day when you are more confident about your skin. If you are not yet following a skin care regimen even in the morning and prep your skin to take on the world, you can try this daily skincare routine as your guide.

I started this routine only this year 2020 when I realized that my skin is not flawless as before. My skin starts to sag, it has spots, my face starts to have fine lines and wrinkles that is why I decided to take a collagen supplement. I just cover it up with makeup and I do it everyday. Without realizing that makeup can damage our skin on our face especially when we don’t apply proper skin care to it.

Want to know my secret? Here is my morning skin care routine, read it below.

daily skincare routine

My Daily Morning Skin Care Routine

Used A Foaming-Cleanser

Obviously, cleanser deeply cleanses our face and it clears off dirt. If you want to buy a cleanser, choose a soothing, low-pH that does not irritate your skin. I personally use the foaming cleanser below.  Just put a little amount on your palms and massage it gently on your face in circular motions and wash it off with lukewarm water. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Use A Toner

Toning your face is very important. A good toner helps in removing any remaining bits of oil and dirt left behind by a cleanser. It shrinks the pores and balances the pH level of our skin.

Toner also prevents our skin from producing excess oil.

Choose an alcohol-free toner when buying so that it won’t strip your skin’s natural moisturizers.

When applying the toner, take enough of it and dab it over your face evenly and let it get absorbed into your skin.

Don’t Forget The Serum

Serums are highly concentrated solutions that target and solve specific skin problems. Choose a serum depending on the problem you have, and it will show results.

Since it is highly-concentrated and lightweight formulas, it is absorbed into the skin quickly and won’t leave a sticky residue on our face. This is perfect for those that prefer the weightless feel when it comes to skin care or people with oily skin.

Apply the serum on your skin, starting from the nose, and work your way outwards. Leave it on for 2-3 minutes to absorb into the skin.

There are 5 benefits of using serum:

  1. Reducing Signs Of Fatigue. A lack of sleep can leave the complexion looking dull and tired. Using an effective serum can promote cellular regeneration and repair, so your skin will look radiant even if you are lacking sleep.
  2. Refining Pores. Enlarged pores are notoriously difficult to treat, but due to the thin consistency of a lightweight face serum, pores are kept oil-free clean, which minimizes their appearance and refines the skin’s texture.
  3. Smoothing Your Face Of The Skin. The fact that serum molecules are not blocked by any additives means that they can penetrate deep into the pores, smoothing out the surface of the skin for a noticeably softer texture.
  4. Reducing The Appearance Of Fine Lines And Wrinkles. Serums have powerful formula to effectively achieve younger looking skin by accelerating the regeneration process resulting in cellular vitality.
  5. Helping The Skin To Retain Moisture. One of the striking benefits of face serums is their ability to help lock moisture into the skin.

Moisturize Well

Depending on your skin type. either choose a creamy, moisturizing lotion or water-based gel to nourish and lock the moisture into your skin.

The moisturizer will protect your skin from drying throughout the day.

Take a few blobs of moisturizer and smoothly pat it over your face and neck. Massage it into your skin till the moisturizer is absorbed.

Use A Sunscreen

We need a sunscreen lotion with at least Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Sunscreen protects our skin from sun damage, which otherwise can lead to wrinkles, fine lines and spots.

I use a water-resistant, sweat resistant, resist rub-off sunscreen. (Photo below). It is also a no-comedogenic or it won’t clog pores, an oil free and a PABA free.  Apply sunscreen and massage it into your skin evenly.

Prime It Up

Primer helps your foundation and makeup glide smoothly and last longer.

Primers are products that your BB creams or foundations hold onto to last longer. Use fingertips to smoothen the product onto your skin.


These steps will help you start off your day perfectly and your skin will have a good day. If you follow these steps regularly, you will notice a significant improvement in your skin health too. So, you make sure you go through the morning skin care routine everyday.

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7 Ways To Take Care Of Our Skin Wed, 12 Apr 2023 01:51:28 +0000 Did you know that there are 7 ways to take care of our skin that can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles and help keep our skin looking its best? Skin is the layer of usually soft, flexible outer tissue covering the body of a vertebrate animal with three main functions: protection, regulation and sensations. No Read More

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Did you know that there are 7 ways to take care of our skin that can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles and help keep our skin looking its best?

Skin is the layer of usually soft, flexible outer tissue covering the body of a vertebrate animal with three main functions: protection, regulation and sensations. No matter how we think of it, our skin is very important. It covers and protects everything inside our body. Without skin, people’s muscles, bones, and organs would be hanging out all over the place. Skin holds everything together. That’s why good skin care is very important. We are shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it is important to keep our skin glowing and in good condition.

ways to take care of our skin

Here are 7 ways to take care of our skin.

Regular Exercise

By increasing blood flow, exercise helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to working cells throughout the body including the skin.

8 Hours of Sleep

Having enough sleep would give you a glowing complexion. Your body boosts blood flow to the skin while you snooze, which means you wake to a healthy glow. Skimp on sleep and your complexion can look drab, ashen or lifeless. Sleep deprivation causes a decrease in blood flow to the skin surrounding your face.

Healthy Diet

Treat your skin kindly and optimize your nutrition by antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, healthy fats from oily fish and nuts and a varied balanced diet. This should give optimal levels of the nutrients that are crucial for radiant skin including beta carotene, vitamins C&E, zinc and selenium.

Avoid eating processed and sugary foods. Sugar in any form influences the two major hormones and inflammation. As we eat refined sugar and carbohydrates like white sugar, our blood sugar levels increase at a faster rate and our pancreas responds by releasing insulin. By eliminating sugar, we are able to decrease the amount of insulin.

Eliminate Dairy. Dairy products can trigger or worsen acne since milk contains precursors to testosterone and other androgens, which influence the hormone receptors in the skin to turn on the process that causes acne.

Eliminate Alcohol Intake. Although drinking too much alcohol does not directly cause acne, it is certainly feasible that it may trigger certain steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens that are released during stress. Drinking a bit more than one should is another form of stress. These hormones stimulate the oil glands in the skin, beginning a process that leads to acne. Bottom line-moderation.

Avoid too much sun exposure and Apply Sunscreen.

The sun’s UV rays can cause major damage to the skin. The outer layer of the skin has cells that contain the pigment melanin. Melanin protects skin from the sun’s UV rays. These can burn the skin and reduce its elasticity leading to premature aging.

Why is sunscreen important? It protects your skin from UV rays. The depletion of the ozone layer has increased our risk of sun damage from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen blocks these rays, greatly reducing the likelihood of sunburn. By applying sunscreen each day, you cut your risk of contracting skin cancers in half.

Drink Adequate Amount of Water Everyday.

Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is important for overall good health because water aids in digestion, circulation absorption, and even excretion. Claims have been made that drinking 8 glasses of water daily gives you a radiant, healthy, younger looking complexion. Skin cells, like other cells in the body, are made up of water. Without water, the organs will certainly not function properly or at their best. If your skin is not getting the sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration will present itself by turning your skin dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling. Drinking at least 8 glasses a day will help rid the body and skin of toxins. Many people often report that by increasing their water intake, their skin has a more radiant glow. Those suffering from acne have reported the same results.

Don’t smoke.

When someone mentions the toll smoking takes on your skin, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Some of the toxins in cigarette smoke damage collagen and elastin which are fibrous components of skin that keep it firm and supple. This damage speeds up skin aging, making smokers more prone to wrinkles on their faces and body. Cigarette smoke also damages skin in other ways that affect one’s appearance and put smokers’ lives’ at risk.

Wash your face upon waking, before bed and after sweating.

Your skin can accumulate environmental debris in your sleep, so it is necessary to wash them off in the morning. Dead skin cells and allergens may collect on your pillowcase and be transferred to the facial skin through the night. *Cleaning your face before going to bed will reduce the dirt, bacteria and oils that may have accumulated throughout the day.

Your skin is trying to cool itself and rid the body of toxins through your sweat, and this is one of the many benefits of working out. Make sure you wash your face before and after working out to help keep the pores clean and open.

Are any of these 7 ways to take care of your skin part of your daily life? If not, time to think about it. Remember, if we focus on good skin care, we really won’t need a lot of make up.

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5 Advantages Of Drinking Probiotics On Vaginal Health Wed, 05 Apr 2023 02:31:54 +0000 Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial for human health. They are commonly found in fermented foods and supplements, and they work by improving the balance of bacteria in the body. While most people associate probiotics with digestive health, they also have a positive impact on other areas of the body, including vaginal health. In Read More

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Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial for human health. They are commonly found in fermented foods and supplements, and they work by improving the balance of bacteria in the body. While most people associate probiotics with digestive health, they also have a positive impact on other areas of the body, including vaginal health. In this essay, we will explore the advantages of drinking probiotics on vaginal health.

advantages of drinking probiotics on vaginal health.

5 Advantages of Drinking Probiotics on Vaginal Health

Probiotics help restore the balance of bacteria which can improve overall vaginal health.

The vagina is a delicate ecosystem that is home to a variety of bacteria. When the balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted, it can lead to a range of problems, including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and urinary tract infections. Probiotics can help restore the balance of bacteria in the vagina, which can improve overall vaginal health.

One of the most significant advantages of drinking probiotics on vaginal health is their ability to prevent and treat yeast infections.

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of Candida, a type of fungus that is naturally found in the vagina. When the balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted, it can lead to an overgrowth of Candida, which can cause symptoms such as itching, burning, and discharge.

Studies have shown that probiotics can help prevent and treat yeast infections by restoring the balance of bacteria in the vagina. Probiotics work by producing lactic acid, which creates an acidic environment that is unfavorable for the growth of Candida. They also produce bacteriocins, which are proteins that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi.

Another advantage of drinking probiotics on vaginal health is their ability to prevent and treat bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis is a common condition that occurs when the balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted. It is characterized by symptoms such as a fishy odor, discharge, and itching.

Probiotics can help prevent and treat bacterial vaginosis by restoring the balance of bacteria in the vagina. They work by producing hydrogen peroxide, which creates an environment that is unfavorable for the growth of harmful bacteria. They also produce other substances that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Reduce the risk of urinary track infections (UTIs)

In addition to preventing and treating yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis, probiotics have other benefits for vaginal health. For example, they can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract and cause an infection. They are more common in women than in men, and they can be painful and uncomfortable.

Probiotics can help reduce the risk of UTIs by restoring the balance of bacteria in the vagina. They work by producing substances that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, including the bacteria that can cause UTIs. They also help to maintain a healthy pH level in the vagina, which can reduce the risk of UTIs.

Improve Vaginal Dryness

Probiotics can also help improve vaginal dryness, a common problem that can occur during menopause or as a side effect of certain medications. Vaginal dryness can cause discomfort during sex and increase the risk of vaginal infections.

Studies have shown that probiotics can help improve vaginal dryness by increasing the production of vaginal mucus. Vaginal mucus is a natural lubricant that helps to keep the vagina moist and healthy. Probiotics also help to maintain a healthy pH level in the vagina, which can reduce the risk of vaginal infections.

In conclusion, drinking probiotics can have numerous advantages for vaginal health. They can help prevent and treat yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, UTIs, and vaginal dryness. Probiotics work by restoring the balance of bacteria in the vagina, which is essential for maintaining overall vaginal health. If you are experiencing vaginal health issues, it is worth considering adding probiotics to your daily routine to improve your vaginal health.

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10 Essential Tips To Help You Take Care Of Your Vagina Wed, 05 Apr 2023 01:43:00 +0000 The vagina is a vital part of a woman’s reproductive system, and taking care of it is essential for good health and hygiene. Proper vaginal care helps prevent infections, bad odors, and discomfort. Try this 10 essential tips to help you take care of your vagina, check it below. Here are some essential tips to Read More

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The vagina is a vital part of a woman’s reproductive system, and taking care of it is essential for good health and hygiene. Proper vaginal care helps prevent infections, bad odors, and discomfort. Try this 10 essential tips to help you take care of your vagina, check it below.

Essential Tips To Help You Take Care Of Your Vagina

Here are some essential tips to help you take care of your vagina:

Wash your vagina regularly:

Keeping your vagina clean is essential, and regular washing can help maintain good hygiene. Use warm water and mild soap to clean the external area of your vagina. Avoid using perfumed soaps, douches, or harsh products, as they can irritate the sensitive skin around your vagina.

Wipe from front to back:

Always wipe from the front to the back after using the toilet. Wiping from back to front can cause bacteria from the anus to spread to the vagina and increase the risk of infection.

Wear breathable underwear:

Choose underwear made of breathable materials like cotton or bamboo, as they allow air to circulate and prevent moisture buildup. Avoid wearing tight-fitting underwear, as they can trap moisture and increase the risk of infection.

Change your pads and tampons frequently:

Change your pads or tampons every 4-6 hours to prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection. If you have a heavy flow, consider using a menstrual cup, which can be worn for up to 12 hours.

Practice safe sex:

Practicing safe sex is crucial to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. Always use condoms, dental dams, or other barrier methods during sex to reduce the risk of STIs.

Avoid using scented products:

Avoid using scented products like scented tampons, perfumed pads, or scented lubricants, as they can irritate the delicate skin of the vagina and disrupt the natural pH balance.

Eat a balanced diet:

Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins can help maintain good vaginal health. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet.

Stay hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins from your body and maintain good vaginal health. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Exercise regularly:

Regular exercise can help improve blood circulation and boost your immune system, which can help prevent vaginal infections.

Visit your gynecologist regularly:

Regular visits to your gynecologist can help detect any potential issues early on and help you maintain good vaginal health. Make sure to schedule an appointment at least once a year.

In conclusion, taking care of your vagina is crucial for your overall health and well-being. Simple habits like regular washing, wearing breathable underwear, and practicing safe sex can help prevent infections and maintain good vaginal health. By following these tips, you can keep your vagina healthy and avoid any discomfort or pain.

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The Best Times To Drink Water Wed, 15 Mar 2023 12:33:48 +0000 In your entire life, have you asked what are the best times to drink water? Me, Yes! When I get older, I always search for the healthy foods to be eaten and other healthy hacks in order for me to live a happy life with a healthier body. It includes the proper and best times Read More

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In your entire life, have you asked what are the best times to drink water? Me, Yes! When I get older, I always search for the healthy foods to be eaten and other healthy hacks in order for me to live a happy life with a healthier body. It includes the proper and best times to drink our fluids like water.

We all know that water is a universal support to our mood and weight. If we are hydrated enough, our body is balanced.

If our body is balanced, we don’t experience any body discomfort like a headache. In order to have a balanced body, we should take enough water intake. Our body cells require water and it is critical to function our digestion, heart, lungs and brain.

It is advisable that men should drink 13 glasses of fluids per day and women should aim for 9 glasses of fluids a day.

Regardless of your hydration goal, drink consistently throughout the day. Here are best times to drink water:

Drink 1 to 2 glasses  of water when you wake up.

Before drinking coffee early in the morning, drink 2 glasses of water first. Whole night you were sleeping, when you woke up dehydrated already. Taking water can help you get back to your baseline.

Water before meals to regulate hunger.

Water plays a role in weight management. Drinking 1 glass of water before a meal helps you feel more full and helps prevent overeating. According to a study, drinking iced water at 35°F is better than warm or hot water. The chilly temperature slows down the digestion and may help reduce appetite.

A glass of water after a meal.

Drinking water aids digestion especially with high-fiber foods. Fiber moves through the digestive system and absorbs water, helping form stools and promotes regular bowel movement.

Drink water in the afternoon rather than coffee.

Between 2 pm and 3 pm, there is a downward slide of energy that is a common experience for many. Many people go get coffee to power through the end of the day but this beverage can cut into your sleep. Drinking water instead of coffee as a daily habit in the midafternoon can help ensure your energy & mood.

Drink water when you have a headache.

A headache can be a symptom of dehydration. It can also trigger migraine attacks, thus water intake may help decrease migraine severity, frequency and duration.

Drink water before & after exercise.

Hydrating begins a day or two before exercise. Make sure you are drinking water regularly in the days leading up to a workout. For moderate workouts like jogging, drink a glass of water 30 minutes prior and sip during exercise.  After the exercise, make sure to hydrate to replenish the lost water in your body through sweat.

Bring a glass of water to your bedside at night.

Don’t drink a glass of water before bedtime-you will have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and it will disturb your sleep.  Just bring water at your bedside just in case you get thirsty.


The root cause of all diseases is dehydration. So keep hydrated!

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Top 3 Skincare Tips For Teenagers To Look Their Best Tue, 14 Mar 2023 07:12:18 +0000 As a teenager, it is essential to take care of your skin to achieve good, healthy and glowing skin and to stay looking your best. Having healthy skin is not just about what you put on your face, but also the right diet and lifestyle habits. However, it is important to start with basics to Read More

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As a teenager, it is essential to take care of your skin to achieve good, healthy and glowing skin and to stay looking your best. Having healthy skin is not just about what you put on your face, but also the right diet and lifestyle habits. However, it is important to start with basics to ensure that you are taking proper care of your skin. That’s why we’re here to give you the basic skincare tips for teenagers should know to look their best.

Cleanse Daily

Daily cleansing as the first skincare routine can take you to the next level. Cleansing helps to remove dirt, oil and makeup from their face and can be the key to healthy and clear skin. It not only washes away impurities that accumulate during the day, but it also balances out natural oils on the skin and prevents breakout. In addition, it preps your skin for moisturizer, serum, sunscreen or other skincare products that they may be using. 

This good skincare habit is essential for maintaining healthy skin, especially during the teenage years when skin is more prone to blemishes and breakouts. Investing in a gentle cleanser that specifically meets your skin’s needs, as well as incorporating a moisturizer afterwards, is key in keeping skin hydrated and free of excess oil and grime. Avoid over-scrubbing as this can make acne worse. Make sure you also use lukewarm water when rinsing and avoid any hot water that could potentially dry out or damage the delicate balance of your skin. Using this simple technique on a daily basis can help reduce clogged pores, blemishes, and acne while maintaining softer and healthier-looking skin.

If you have dry skin, consider this facial washes.

So make sure to cleanse daily with a gentle cleanser chosen specifically for young skin to look your best!

Moisturize Regularly

Skin care is an important part of self-care, especially during the teenage years when hormones are causing breakouts and dryness. It can be tempting to try anything and everything to get clear skin but in the long run it’s better to focus on incorporating good habits into your daily skincare routine. One easy and beneficial habit is moisturizing! Incorporating a lightweight moisturizer into your daily routine can make a world of difference for your skin – it helps seal in hydration, reduce redness and create a layer of protection between your skin and the environment. 

Keeping your skin hydrated prevents wrinkles and feeling dry and tight. Learning to moisturize now will help set good habits for later in life. To choose the best moisturizer for your skin, look for something light and non-greasy that won’t clog pores or cause acne. Quality products may be more expensive, but they provide long-term benefits for healthy skin. Try using a basic facial lotion in the morning and heavier creams at night to maintain moisture levels during the day and while you sleep.

Always Wear Sunscreen

Encouraging teenagers to wear sunscreen each and every day is one of the most important skin care tips you can provide. Sunscreen is your skin’s best friend in protecting it from UV rays and keeping it healthy. With proper use, sunscreen can help prevent sunburns in the short term and even wrinkles, dark spots and other signs of aging in the long run. Also, it helps you protect from skin cancer. As a teen, now is the time to adopt a regular sunscreen routine – remember, some sun exposure is good but too much can be damaging! So make sure you always apply a broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher before you head outdoors, no matter what time of year it is.

Furthermore, sunscreen helps to keep your makeup looking fresh even on hot summer days — so apply it before every outdoor activity! Taking this simple step to protect yourself against the sun’s rays can help ensure healthy, beautiful skin lasting well into adulthood.


Taking good care of your skin now will help set you up for long-term success when it comes to healthy, glowing skin later in life. Following these basic skincare tips every day will help you maintain clear, radiant-looking skin all year round—so don’t forget about them! If you have any questions about skincare products or routines suitable for teenage skin, don’t hesitate to speak with a dermatologist who can provide further advice tailored specifically to you!

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6 Best Positive Effects In Taking Collagen Mon, 28 Nov 2022 07:45:38 +0000 In our mid-to-late twenties, when our skin doesn’t look how it used to, we will try just about anything to stay as supple as a teen. We tried using rejuvenating kits, different kinds of soaps, pills, oils, and other types of skin care to look young. I didn’t know that taking collagen is the answer Read More

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In our mid-to-late twenties, when our skin doesn’t look how it used to, we will try just about anything to stay as supple as a teen. We tried using rejuvenating kits, different kinds of soaps, pills, oils, and other types of skin care to look young. I didn’t know that taking collagen is the answer and there are best positive effects in taking collagen according to study.

When my friend posted about the collagen drink on Facebook, I couldn’t help but be intrigued. It claims to restore skin elasticity and reduce most wrinkles I need. At 31 years old, I already have wrinkles and fine lines on my face that contribute to my insecurity sometimes. I searched for products online to reduce those but was still determining the products I found until one day, I saw that post and took the risk to buy.

Best Positive Effects In Taking Collagen

What is collagen?

It is the most abundant protein in our body.

And it is the major component of connective tissues that comprise several body parts, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles.

In addition, it has many essential functions, including providing your skin with structure and strengthening your bones.

There are collagen supplements nowadays that have become popular. Most are hydrolyzed, which means the collagen has been broken down, making it easier for your body to absorb.

6 Best Positive Effects In Taking Collagen

Collagen improves skin health

Collagen is a significant component of your skin.

It plays a role in strengthening skin plus may benefit elasticity and hydration. Our body produces less collagen as we age, leading to dry skin and wrinkles.

However, studies show collagen supplements may help slow our skin’s aging by reducing wrinkles and dryness.

According to a study, women who took a supplement containing 2.5-5.0 grams of collagen for eight weeks experienced less skin dryness and a significant increase in skin elasticity compared to those who did not take the supplement.

Wrinkle-reducing effects of the supplement have been attributed to the ability to stimulate your body to produce collagen on its own.

Additionally, this supplement may promote the production of other proteins that help structure your skin, including elastin and fibrillin.

It helps relieve joint pain.

Collagen helps maintain the integrity of your cartilage, the rubber-like tissue that protects your joints.

As the amount of collagen in your body decreases as you get older, your risk of developing degenerative joint disorders such as osteoarthritis increases.

Some studies have shown that collagen supplements may help improve symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduce joint pain overall.

Researchers have theorized that supplemental collagen may accumulate in cartilage and stimulate your tissues to make collagen.

They have suggested this may lead to lower inflammation, better support of your joints, and reduced pain.

If you want to take a collagen supplement for its potential pain-relieving effects, studies suggest you start with a daily dosage of 8-12 grams.

Could boost muscle mass

Between 1-10% of muscle tissue is composed of collagen. This protein is necessary to keep your muscles strong and functioning correctly.

Studies suggest that collagen supplements help boost muscle mass in people with sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass at age 20.

Researchers have suggested that taking collagen may promote the synthesis of muscle proteins like creatine and stimulate muscle growth after exercise.

Promotes heart health

Taking this supplement may help reduce the risk of heart-related conditions.

Collagen provides structure to your arteries, blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Without enough collagen, arteries may become fragile. Also, it may lead to atherosclerosis, a disease characterized by narrowing the arteries. Atherosclerosis has the potential to lead to heart attack and stroke.

Could prevent bone loss

The bones are made mostly of collagen, which gives them structure and helps keep them strong.

Just as the collagen in your body deteriorates as you age, so does bone mass. It may lead to conditions like osteoporosis, characterized by low bone density and a higher risk of bone fractures.

Studies have shown that this supplement may have specific effects on the body that help inhibit bone breakdown leading to osteoporosis.

Other health benefits

Collagen supplements may have other health benefits.

  • Hair and nails. Taking it may increase the strength of nails by preventing brittleness. It also stimulates hair and nails to grow longer.
  • Gut health. Some health practitioners promote the use of this supplement to treat intestinal permeability.
  • Brain Health. Some people claim they improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety.
  • Weight loss. This supplement may promote weight loss and a faster metabolism.

Drinking my supplement for almost one month already did show some improvement in my skin. I drink it every night at 15ml before bedtime, together with my Multivitamins and Vitamin E. It’s like drinking a bottle of wine, its taste is good, especially when it’s cold, and it has no side effects except for having a good night’s sleep and looking young when you wake up in the morning.

After I started drinking this, my skin looked less flaky than usual, and my face seemed extra glowy. And it was a total SUCCESS!

But the best part is that my skin continued to look hydrated and supple even after I removed my makeup. That was when I noticed that my complexion had improved.

If you want to boost your current skincare routine or if signs of aging are becoming prominent, consider drinking this supplement. You may also eat pork skin and bone broth to increase your collagen intake without taking any of these.

But remember that factors contribute to collagen depletion, including prolonged exposure to the sun, pollution, stress, and unhealthy eating habits. Remember to put on sunscreen daily and maintain a healthy diet to reverse the premature aging process.

I hope this article helps you in your skincare routine. Do you take this kind of supplement? I love to hear it in the comment section.

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11 Ways To Get Rid Of Eye Bags Effectively. Sun, 27 Nov 2022 08:59:35 +0000 One of the signs of aging is eye bags or dark circles under our eyes. These eye bags are due to the loss of collagen in our skin as we age. Regardless of skin type and good habits we maintain, our skin grows thinner, and veins will inevitably start to show through the delicate skin Read More

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One of the signs of aging is eye bags or dark circles under our eyes. These eye bags are due to the loss of collagen in our skin as we age. Regardless of skin type and good habits we maintain, our skin grows thinner, and veins will inevitably start to show through the delicate skin under our eyes. Hence, I wrote this 11 ways to get rid of eye bags.

Many factors contribute to the loss of collagen in our skin, and one is exposed to the sun. It speeds up the collagen breakdown, which is why putting on sunblock every time is necessary, especially when you are outside.

Though genetics play a massive part in determining the kind of skin we have as we age, those who inherit fair skin will most likely show visible dark circles compared to those who are not.

Not just exposure to the sun and genetics contribute to the formulation of dark circles. Still, allergies might also contribute because allergies make the vessels inflamed and swell, including those under our eyes.

But do you know how to get rid of it? Here are the 11 ways to get rid of eye bags.

According to the experiment, following these tips for 4 to 6 weeks will give you an effective result. Just remember patience and consistency.

1.Cold Compress

Apply a cold compress for about 10 minutes in the morning and evening. If you have a mask that is inside your fridge, you can use it. Cold compress is the easiest method and makes sure your it is clean.


We have seen and heard many stories of using cucumber as a cold compress; the question is, does it work? Since cucumbers have skin-lightening and mild astringent properties, you can use this to fix the problem under your eyes naturally.

3.Cucumber + Lemon Juice.

If your cucumber slice doesn’t work for you, try mixing equal parts of cucumber and lemon juice, then use a cotton ball to apply to your under-eye circle. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse it with warm water.

4.Tomato Juice + Lemon Juice.

Since tomatoes are high in lycopene, which is good for cardiovascular health, vision, and skin, it also helps to decrease the appearance of dark under-eye circles. Just mix equal parts of tomato juice with lemon juice, and then use a cotton ball to apply it under your eye area. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

5.Cold Tea Bags.

If you don’t have a cold compress or mask, substitute it with tea bags. Many teas like green tea have the added powerful antioxidant and may increase blood flow to your skin. Tea also protects against UV rays and potentially slows the aging process—steep two tea bags for 3 to 5 minutes. Chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Squeeze out the extra liquid and apply it to your under-eye area. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.

6.Stay Hydrated.

As we all know, our body weight consists of 60 percent water, and it is not surprising anymore that dehydration can contribute to eye bags. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

7.Take your makeup off before bed. 

Improve your nightly routine, and it may help to avoid eye bags. It is crucial to wash your face before bedtime. When you sleep with makeup on, you expose your skin to free radicals, which may cause oxidative stress.

8.Eight hours of sleep is a must.

How much sleep is crucial in avoiding those dark circles under your eyes? Getting a little sleep makes your complexion paler; thus, dark circles may be more prominent.

9.Eat more collagen-rich food.

As we age, the muscles and tissues that support our eyelids weaken. It means that our skin begins to sag. That is why collagen-rich food helps get rid of those eye bags.

10.Cold Milk.

Since milk is a good source of Vitamin A, which contains retinoids, retinoids are great for keeping the skin looking bright and younger. Soak a cotton pad in a bowl of milk and apply it under your eye bags and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water after.

11.Coconut Oil.

Coconut oil is very effective for lightening dark under circles because of its powerful natural and gentle anti-inflammatory properties. It moisturizes your skin while doing a lightening effect. Just rub a little oil under the eye area and leave it overnight. Rinse it off in the morning.

I know a lot of women struggle with their under-eye dark circles. And following these tips might help you with your problem. Anyway, do you have any additional information? Please comment below. I would love to hear it.

Do you have more ways to get rid of eyebags effectively? Share it below.

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